Shinkansen-spotting in Japan

“Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon make a brief stop in Kyoto” a sickly sweet voice over-enunciates in English. “Passengers bound for…please change trains here.”
Right now, I am on a Shinkansen (bullet) train traveling from Tokyo to a place called Uno (?) from there I will take a ferry to Naoshima. I have to change trains in Okayama. The whole trip should take about five plus hours. But, contrary Japan’s train system’s stellar reputation for being on time, we are running 42 minutes late. I gather that the trains are running more slowly than usual due to the snow. Don’t they have snow every year?
The towns that line the tracks, some quaint, some industrial, are blanketed in greybluewhite snow the same shade as the cottony clouds in the sky. About an hour ago, the famous Mt. Fuji was in full view, too, like a white rose kissing the sky.
Having traveled abroad five times this year, I decided to enjoy Christmas in Japan. I started off 2005 with a run across the Golden Gate Bridge and a rousing gospel service in San Francisico’s Tenderloin district on the first Sunday. I am sure I must have made all sorts of resolutions. Despite having forgotten them by the end of January, I have made it thru another year.
One thing that I did promise to keep up with was exercising. I have now been working out with a trainer once or twice a week for 15 months. I peaked last summer when I was going to the gym up to five times a week. The effort showed in my bust and biceps. It also showed me that I could still build a buff bod; but, that I had better things to do with my time than go to the gym five times a week.
Somewhere in between Adonis and Fat Albert, I have found my groove. I can run five kilometers “up hill” for half an hour. I can bench my own weigh plus. And, I can look in the mirror without despairing. Not bad for a 45 year-old.
Next stop Shin-Kobe.
This year, I made it to NY (twice), Firenze and Bangkok. In Firenze/Florence, we stayed in lovely hotel/apartment overlooking the Ponte Vecchio. A day trip to a winery helped stock our wine cellar (under the TV cabinet) for several months.
In transit, back to Tokyo I stopped in Rome and took the train into town. Having seen so many pix of the Vatican during the Pope’s death and the subsequent coronation, I thought, here is the perfect chance to walk on holy ground. Not. The taxi took longer than I expected, so as soon as I reach the pontiff’s house, I had to get in another taxi to return to Termini (train station) least I miss my plane back home. Fortunately, the sympathetic and English-speaking driver, pointed out the sites of Rome as we drove.
This Shinkansen got more crowded at the last stop. There are now people standing in the aisle. The suited man close to me is (not so) discretely reading this text as I write. How rude of me to point it out. Alas, plus ca change.
Now, we are nearing my stop. Begging your pardon, I am going to turn this computer off and get my things in order.
Very interesting Mr. Swint as always you're so bright and funny.
Love it
Swint, you are MASSIVE!
You are FENOMENAL!!!
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